After the wedding ceremony is complete, and the disc jockey has played the last song at the reception, the bridesmaids have one more task to ensure the happiness of the new couple. Assembling and presenting a romantic honeymoon care package is a great way for the girls to send the newlyweds off on their honeymoon. Whether it's a simple basket of indulgences, or an elaborate addition to the vacation, a honeymoon care package filled with relaxing ideas is appreciated after the buzz and excitement of the wedding.
Choose a container for the honeymoon care package. A decorative basket or fancy carved wooden box works well. Consider purchasing a larger gift item to serve as the container, such as a beach bag or ice bucket for the honeymoon. Make sure the container is easily transportable, and will fit in the couple's luggage.
Fill the package with items that will fulfill a fantasy, coordinate with a planned activity or special desire. Add scented bubble bath, loofa wash gloves and soap-based body paint if the couple will be enjoying a whirlpool tub during the honeymoon. Include inscribed wine glasses, a bottle of their favorite bubbly, gourmet chocolates and edible chocolate body paint for a midnight snack.
Choose items for both the bride and groom. Consider including a sexy lingerie outfit for her, and a pair of silky boxer shorts for him. Matching robes and plush slippers would also be appreciated. Toss in some fluffy towels, music CD's and massage oils in both feminine and masculine scents.
Present the honeymoon care package as a collective gift from the bridesmaids. Coordinate an all expenses paid additional excursion during the honeymoon trip. Pre-purchase gift cards to fancy restaurants, massage sessions or a theatre performance at the honeymoon destination.
Present the honeymoon care package to the wedding couple after the wedding. Hand the gift to them personally, so it isn't stored with the wedding gifts to be opened after the honeymoon. If the gift contains personal items, avoid any embarrassment to the couple by hiding the gift in their getaway vehicle after the reception, or having it delivered to their hotel room on the first night of the honeymoon.
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Writer Bio
Angela Tague writes marketing content and journalistic pieces for major brands including Bounty, The Nest, Lowe's Home Improvement and Hidden Valley. She also provides feature content to newspapers and writes health and beauty blogs for Daily Glow, Everyday Health and Walgreens. Tague graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor's degree in journalism and mass communications in 1999.
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