After spending two decades with your husband, finding the perfect anniversary present for him shouldn't be that big of a challenge. Think about his interests and hobbies when selecting the perfect 20th anniversary gift for him. From a photo book to a gift in platinum, choose something he'll cherish for the next 20 years.
Photo Book
Create a photo book for your husband full of photos from the last 20 years. You can build your own photo book online at many photo retailers, which sometimes can put the book together for you. Include old pictures of you and your husband when you first met. Include some from your wedding day and some recent pictures. The book will last a lifetime and be memorable for years to come. Similarly, you can create a scrapbook of photos and memorabilia from the past 20 years.
If budget allows, plan an all-inclusive trip for two to the beach or go on a cruise. Surprise your husband with the trip details to celebrate your 20-year wedding anniversary. Be sure to let your resort or the person who books your cruise know that it's your anniversary. You might be gifted with wine, wine glasses, a cake or a fruit basket to make your trip more memorable.
Sporting Event
Whether it’s hockey, basketball, golf or baseball, purchase two tickets for a game featuring your husband's favorite sports team. Create a certificate noting you will purchase tickets if your anniversary falls in the off-season, i.e., summer for hockey. The two of you can enjoy the game together or he can take one of his friends with him if sports is not your thing.
Personalized Gift Basket
Make a personalized gift basket for your husband with 20 items representing the 20 years you've been married. You can include things such as his favorite candy bar, a gift certificate for a round of golf and his favorite cologne.
Platinum is a versatile metal that's considered the modern 20th anniversary wedding gift. Consider a platinum money clip, ring, bracelet or necklace for your husband. Have the gift engraved with a message like “Happy 20th Anniversary, With Love.” You could also purchase a platinum photo frame that has two picture slots in it, where you can put a recent picture of the two of you as well as a picture from 20 years ago.
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Photo Credits
happy anniversary image by Galina Barskaya from Fotolia.com