The 30th wedding anniversary is associated with the traditional gift of pearl. It’s a significant milestone to reach, so you should celebrate with your spouse. There are several things you can do to make it a romantic anniversary to remember. From large gatherings to an activity just for the two of you, you can create some memories to cherish forever.
The traditional gift for this anniversary is pearl, which can inspire a holiday destination. Take your wife on vacation to a place where pearls are found naturally — for example, Northumberland rivers in the United Kingdom are home to freshwater pearl mussels. Alternatively, book a week’s vacation to Hawaii and visit Pearl Harbor. Another idea is to free your schedule and book a 30-day cruise on the month of your anniversary. Or spend 30 days visiting places you have traveled to as a married couple.
Your anniversary isn’t just a special moment for you and your spouse. Your children, grandchildren, relatives and friends who have seen you through the years will want to celebrate, too. Throw a lavish anniversary party for your friends and family. Provide food and drink for an evening celebration at your home or a rented venue. Play the song you danced to at your wedding and re-create your first dance. Use a projector to show clips of from your wedding day.
Another idea for your special day is to have a romantic meal. Start the day by serving your husband breakfast in bed. If you want to have a romantic lunch, go for a picnic at a local park or retreat. Pack your husband’s favorite sandwiches and snacks, and bask in the sunlight while enjoying the view. Alternatively, book a table at a fine-dining restaurant and request a romantic place to sit, such as on a veranda or in a quiet part of the restaurant.
Renew Vows
A romantic thing to do is to renew your wedding vows. Renew them in the church or venue where you got married and select a few friends and relatives to attend the ceremony. Exchange new wedding rings. The modern gift for your 30th anniversary is diamond, so buy your spouse a diamond-encrusted wedding band.
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Devote some time on your anniversary to take a trip down memory lane. Spend the afternoon together watching a tape of your wedding day. Look through photo albums you’ve created over the past 30 years. You can ponder over the memories you’ve created and the happy times you’ve spent with friends and family. If you want to do something special, create a scrapbook together. Choose your favorite photos and explain why you want to include them into the book. Add other keepsakes, such as your wedding invitation, vacation tickets and love letters you’ve written to each other.
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