Celebrate your mom with something out of the ordinary this year with engaging activities and games that she’ll remember long after Mother’s Day has passed. Use her interests as a guide to the ideal Mother’s Day itinerary and infuse as much love and appreciation into the day as you can.
The Mom Awards
You can let your mom know just how special she is and recognize all that she does for you with an informal awards night in her honor. Prepare in advance by thinking up all the different awards she deserves to win, such as best chauffeur, top chef, best boo-boo kisser and greatest listener. Create an award for each of these and print it off of the computer. Alternatively, design the awards by hand or get really crafty and bake slab cookies and turn them into awards with icing pens or icing in pastry bags. You can present the awards during a “formal” evening ceremony after dinner and dessert or surprise her with different awards throughout the day. Remember, the evening’s not over until you’ve convinced your mom to give an impromptu acceptance speech.
Mom Trivia
Your mom will be surprised to find out how much you know about her -- or have an opportunity to set a few misconceptions straight -- with a few rounds of mom trivia on Mother’s Day. Prepare the game ahead of time, writing out questions about your mom on blank flashcards, such as her favorite color, favorite food and favorite flower. You can get more intimate, even if you don’t have the answers. For example, you can write down questions, such as her favorite childhood memory, her most significant accomplishment or her ultimate retirement dream. Leave the answer side of the flashcard blank and fill it in when your mom provides the answer during the game. Now you have a special keepsake, filled with all of your mother’s special things, important moments and favorite memories. Alternatively, let your mom lead the game, posing questions about herself to find out who knows the correct answers.
Mom Charades
If your mom won’t want to spend too much time in the hot seat, plan a charades activity for your Mother’s Day party instead. Make a list of all of the famous and prominent mothers you can think of, from sitcom and movie moms to political and sports moms. Write each one on a slip of paper and place the slips in a jar. When your Mother’s Day party group is assembled, divide up into two teams and have each team member pick a slip and try acting out the character. If your mom doesn’t mind the attention, make the game all about her. Write down a variety of events from her life, such as family vacations, college graduations, award receptions or career advancement celebrations on slips of paper and put them in a jar. Divide your Mother’s Day group into two teams and take turns acting out the events from the jar.
Do It All
Instead of talking about all of the things your mom has done, surprise her with a day of doing all the things that top her chart of favorite things to do. If she loves a little pampering, have a Mother’s Day party at a local spa and then take her out to lunch to show off your freshly glowing faces and neatly manicured nails. Spend the afternoon at one of her favorite venues, such as an art gallery, museum, botanical gardens or shopping mall or pose for a family portrait to give your mom a keepsake from the day. Treat your mom to dinner at her favorite upscale restaurant -- or pizza in front of the television if you’re celebrating on a budget.
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Writer Bio
Rosenya Faith has been working with children since the age of 16 as a swimming instructor and dance instructor. For more than 14 years she has worked as a recreation and skill development leader, an early childhood educator and a teaching assistant, working in elementary schools and with special needs children between 4 and 11 years of age.
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