Choosing a 30th wedding anniversary gift for your man shouldn't take the fun out of your celebration. If he hasn't given you any hints about what he wants, turn to the traditional 30th anniversary gift -- the pearl -- for some unique and personalized ideas.
If your husband appreciates a little traditional elegance, you can give him a set of pearl cuff links or a pearl tie tack. A watch, letter opener, money clip, picture frame or grooming accessories made from mother of pearl would also be appropriate for a 30th anniversary gift.
In keeping with the pearl theme, a man who enjoys games of skill might also enjoy a chess set or backgammon board made with mother of pearl inlay or a set of pearlized poker chips -- with or without a new poker table.
A trip to an exotic location where he might find a pearl is an adventurous idea for the man who likes to travel. Tahiti, Australia, Japan and Thailand are just a few of the destinations where you and your guy could enjoy a romantic anniversary celebration. One way to present a gift of travel is to wrap up a book about the destination or a new passport holder with the itinerary and other important information about the trip tucked into it.
A man who enjoys learning about the natural world might also enjoy a gift of books discussing how pearls are made in nature and by humans, the different types of pearls and how they are graded. The book "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck may be more appropriate for literary types, especially if you can find a first edition or signed copy.
If your guy is a music lover and doesn't already have them, add Janis Joplin's album, "Pearl" to his collection, or anything by the band Pearl Jam, and include a new personal music player for him to enjoy them on.
30 "I Love You's"
If you're celebrating 30 years of marriage with a man whose favorite kind of gift is a romantic gesture, take the time to write a list of 30 of your shared memories or the top 30 reasons you are glad to be his spouse.
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Writer Bio
Jo Burns has been a freelance writer since 1980. She specializes in articles relating to home and garden, alternative health care, travel, writing and crafting. In 2007, Burns received an M.F.A. in creative writing.
Photo Credits
Pearl in shell image by Dr.Szirmai János from Fotolia.com