Whether you choose to celebrate alone with a romantic dinner or vacation or you go all out with a party full of family and friends, 40 years of marriage is worthy of celebration. No matter how you choose to celebrate this milestone, gifts are a big part of marking the celebration. The traditional gift marking the 40th anniversary is the ruby, which is why your 40th is also called the Ruby Anniversary. The gemstone makes the list for both traditional and modern gift ideas, so you're right on trend no matter what style of gift the recipient prefers.
Choose a Ruby Gift
Stuck on how to incorporate rubies into your 40th anniversary gift? Luckily, you can find a number of ruby-related gifts to surprise your significant other. Ruby jewelry or accessories, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, cufflinks or tie clips are sure to impress your spouse. Consider the type of jewelry your significant other usually wears when choosing the perfect piece.
Another idea is to take inspiration from the ruby by using its color in the gift selection. Choose a gorgeous piece made of red artisan glass. If the recipient collects a particular type of decorative item or collector piece, add to the collection with a new piece in shiny ruby red.
Couples can also use rubies as a theme for parties. Announce the 40th anniversary party with ruby red glitter invitations. Drape the party venue with ruby red flowers. Couples who choose to renew their vows can have a ruby-themed wedding.
Send 40th Anniversary Flowers
If rubies aren't your thing, tradition also dictates specific flowers for milestone anniversaries. Nasturtium and gladiolus are the flowers suggested for the 40th wedding anniversary. Nasturtiums are the traditional flower for the 40th anniversary due to their ruby-colored blooms. These flowers also represent ever-lasting love as they self-seed and come back each season. They are also edible. If you prefer something different, wow your partner of 40 years with 40 red roses with one for each year of marriage.
Get Creative
Sometimes the suggested gifts for a milestone anniversary are out of the budget or simply don't fit your style. Don't feel like you have to follow the recommended lists, especially if your marriage is anything but traditional. Get creative with the gifts you present to your spouse. Present your spouse with a ruby red grapefruit at breakfast, or decorate the room in ruby red decorations. Make red wine your drink of choice for the evening, or use a red theme for the meal. If your spouse doesn't care about tradition, choose something you know she'll love, even if it's completely unrelated to rubies.
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