Ralf Nau/Digital Vision/Getty Images
A tea party is such a special occasion in itself, whether an elegant affair with live music, gowns and curried chicken tea sandwiches or a Teddy bear tea where lemonade is poured from the teapot and colorful confections delight young children. Or it might be something in between -- a crazy fun tea for a Red Hat Society chapter or a baby shower tea. The wording of your tea party invitations is important. It not only provides important information such as the address, its sets the tone for the party, whether formal or informal, or in the case of a children's tea party, pretend formal (think princess) or silly -- think Alice and the Mad Hatter -- or cozy with stuffed animal guests included.
Use a short poem, quote or verse on the front or top of the invitation, letting your guests know they are invited to a tea party. For example, a bridal shower tea party invitation might read "You are cordially invited to afternoon tea for a very special bride-to-be"
Include the fact that the party is a tea party, and state the reason for the party, if there is one, under the short poem, or inside the invitation. For example, a casual tea party for friends might read "Tea Time!" on the front of the invitation, and then inside it could read "Please join me for tea and brunch."
Include any special instructions or information that hasn't been covered. A young girl's tea-themed birthday party could read "We'll get dressed up.We'll have some tea.Oh what fun it will be!" If you opt not to use a poem or verse to instruct guests on special requests, such as dressing up or bringing their favorite stuffed animal, note the instructions at the bottom of the invitation.
Keep the party details simple and concise. List your name, party date, time and the address where guests will meet. Leave your phone number for guests to call with regrets, or to RSVP, with a request as to what you want. For example, if you only want to know who isn't attending, include "Regrets Only" after your contact information. Add your email address if it's easier to reach you by email.
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Writer Bio
Janece Bass is a freelance writer specializing in weddings, family, health, parenting, relationships, dating, decorating, travel, music and sports. She has been writing for more than 15 years and has numerous published pieces on various websites and blogs. Bass has also ghostwritten various fiction-based novels.
Photo Credits
Ralf Nau/Digital Vision/Getty Images