A sleepover party is an enjoyable event for boys or girls of all ages. Whether you're hosting a sleepover party for a specific celebration or just for the sake of getting friends together, it is relatively easy and affordable to organize. Most importantly, putting some thought into who to invite will ensure you have the right blend of kids for a memorable time. Make sure guests (and parents) get the most accurate information by sending out an invitation with all the necessary details.
Title your invitation with a clever phrase or catchy saying. Typically the title is used to explain the reason behind hosting a sleepover, whether it's a birthday party, New Year's or for the sake of just getting together. Think of the invitation title as a newspaper headline that is used to set the tone for the rest of the invitation.
Add all the necessary basic details such as who, what, when and where. The "who" is the name of the child hosting the sleepover party. The "what" outlines what kind of sleepover party it will be or if the party is themed. The "when" outlines when the sleepover begins and also what time the children need to be picked up in the morning. The "where" is the address and perhaps detailed directions for those unfamiliar with the area.
Advise the children as to what they need to bring to the sleepover party. Write this after all the basic details. For example, do the children need to bring their own sleeping bag and pillow? How about flashlights if it's an outdoor sleepover? Do they need to bring gifts or games? This allows the guests to properly prepare for a night away.
Outline briefly what kinds of activities and food the guests will enjoy at the sleepover party. This gives them some idea as to what other optional items they may need to bring. It also gives kids a chance to let the host know if they have any allergies to specific foods. If the sleepover party is a theme party, the activities will be coordinated in correspondence to that theme.
Include an RSVP date at the end of the invitation as well as the contact name and phone number.
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Writer Bio
Shauna Heathman is a certified image consultant with a passion for writing, and has been writing since 2006. She has maintained a blog of her own for three years in which she writes on topics concerning self development, appearance, style, etiquette and communications. Heathman has a bachelor's degree in communication studies and an entrepreneurship certificate from the University of Iowa.
Photo Credits
party invitation image by robert mobley from Fotolia.com