Proper party planning involves requesting RSVPs from the guests who plan on attending. Knowing how many guests to expect helps guide you in ordering the proper amount of food, ensuring you have space to entertain everyone and put together the right amount of goody bags as takeaways from the party. You can word the RSVP cards for a birthday in a way to ensure you collect all of the information you need to from the guests. While requesting RSVPs may seem demanding, you can word it in a friendly and polite way.
Make a list of the information you need to obtain from guests who intend on attending the party. This may include the full name of each guest and meal preference, if you are serving a sit-down meal. For a child’s birthday party, you may also want to ask for the parents’ names, contact phone number and if there are any food allergies.
Write the RSVP line. Start out the RSVP wording by requesting the RSVP and include the contact information for the person collecting RSVPs. For example, “Please RSVP to Jorja Smith by calling 305.111.5555.”
Provide more than one way for the guests to RSVP. Rather than simply including a phone number, also include an e-mail address where guests can RSVP. Providing RSVP options makes it more likely that guests will respond by choosing the manner of response that is most convenient for them.
Add a deadline. Write in a deadline date for accepting RSVPs. For example, “Please RSVP by September 2, 2010.”
Write the RSVP to rhyme or match your party theme. You can get creative on the wording of your RSVP card by rhyming or matching the words you use with the theme of your birthday party. For example, you may say, “In order to ensure you have a chair, please let us know that you will be there. Don’t hesitate, pick up the phone now—don’t wait. Call Kate at 305.111.5555 before it’s too late and we give away your plate.”
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Writer Bio
Kristie Lorette started writing professionally in 1996. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and multinational business from Florida State University and a Master of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University. Her work has appeared online at Bill Savings, Money Smart Life and Mortgage Loan.
Photo Credits
birthday party favors image by Photoeyes from Fotolia.com