A banquet is a gathering of people to a special dinner to raise money for charity or to celebrate an important event. Banquets often have speakers and, sometimes, present people with special awards. Once you decide to hold a banquet, you will need to secure a location, date and speaker, then create your invitations. Banquet invitations are usually a bit more fancy than traditional invitations, but not that hard to put together.
Buy some fancy printer paper at an office supply store. You can find special paper for all types of invitations. This way you can create the banquet invitation on your computer and print it on the fancy paper.
Begin by announcing who you are and then use the words "cordially invites you to attend our..." For instance, if a Girl Scout troop is throwing a banquet for all the parents, the heading would say "Girl Scout Troop #7829 cordially invites you to attend our..." You may want to have "Girl Scout Troop #7829" on the first line, and "cordially invites you to attend our..." on the second line.
Insert a picture of your organization, charity or person the banquet is begin held for. You can upload a real picture from your digital camera, or you can choose a nice photo from your computer's clip art.
Write the name of your banquet under the photo to finish the line above the picture (see Step 2). An example would be "10th Annual Spring Banquet."
List the location, date and time underneath of the name of the banquet.
Add the purpose of the banquet by giving a little detail. For instance, if you will give an award to someone at the banquet, you write a small bio on that person. You may say something like, "We would like to recognize Dr. Smith for his advancement in cancer treatment." Then, tell a little bit about Dr. Smith. If the banquet is for something like Mother's Day, give a few facts about mothers or list the history of how Mother's Day became a holiday.
End with the ticket pricing information. How much do the tickets cost? When is the RSVP date? Who do you RSVP? You may write "Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for children. RSVP to Jane Doe at 555-5555 by May 11."
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Writer Bio
Alicia Bodine has been a professional writer for 13 years. She has produced thousands of articles for online publications such as Demand Studios, GoBankingRates and WiseGeek. Bodine is passionate about gardening, travel, education and finance. She has received awards for being a top content producer.
Photo Credits
blue envelope image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.com