Good Pranks to Play on Your Husband

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If your husband is driving you crazy and you feel the time has arrived for a little piece of sweet revenge, a well-timed prank is a perfect idea for taking the wind out his sails. Pranks can be as simple or elaborate as you wish to make them but ideally, it’s better to focus on an idea that isn’t too malicious. Pranks can be more enjoyable if your partner laughs along with you once they realize they have been well and truly fooled.

The Exploding Golf Ball

If you have had enough of spending your weekends running around after the children or doing the chores while your husband makes his way to the course with his buddies, the exploding golf ball prank is an ideal leveler. Remove a few balls from his golf bag and replace them with exploding golf balls purchased from a joke store. As your partner lines up in front of his friends to hit a massive drive from the first tee, his club will impact on the fake ball and cause it to explode. Most exploding golf balls are filled with powder to maximize the visual effect of the prank and as well as getting a laugh yourself, his friends are sure to find it hilarious as well.

The Remote Control Prank

Simple yet highly effective, the remote control prank is ideal for when your husband wants to spend yet another night in front of the television watching the big game instead of showering you with the attention you deserve. Discretely place a small strip of black insulating tape over the sensor of your remote control before the game begins. As your partner sits down to watch the match, the infrared signal will be unable to pass through the tape so the television will refuse to turn on. Watch and laugh as your partner tries using every battery in the house to get the remote control working before letting him in on the joke.

The Mentos and Cola Prank

If you have finally had enough of your partner drinking the contents of your refrigerator directly from the bottle, get revenge with a packet of Mentos candy and a new bottle of Cola. Make a small hole through a single candy and run a small length of cotton through it. Open the lid of the cola and pull the cotton tight at each end so the candy sits over the pouring hole. Tighten on the cap, making sure that the candy stays in position just above the level of the Cola. Trim the ends of the cotton so the bottle looks untouched and return to the refrigerator. The next time your husband sneaks into the kitchen for a cheeky drink out of the bottle, he’ll receive a well-deserved covering of cola and enough cleaning up to keep him busy for hours!

The Shampoo Prank

Only to be used for revenge of the strongest nature is this prank. The next time your husband fails to notice that exciting new hairdo, make sure that his friends notice his the next time he meets up with them. Remove the cap from his favorite shampoo and add a quantity of hair dye to the bottle before placing back on the shelf. Shocking pinks are particularly effective and, in many cases, the dye won’t start working until he’s already on his way out. Sit back on the sofa and wait for his reaction when he comes home but stick to washable colors so the prank can be reversed easily.