Imagine the thrill, delight and surprise when a teenager unexpectedly receives a car as a birthday gift. While it may be tempting to drop clues and hints about the huge birthday surprise, keeping it a secret makes that special day even more special. Plan a fun get together or game leading up to the grand gift for a birthday she will never forget.
Scavenger Hunt Surprise

Tell the teen that since you noticed how mature and responsible he has been, you decided to give him a special treat, but he has to find it first. Park the car somewhere in his school parking lot. Construct clues that lead him around the school, ending at the parking space his car is in. You may need to get his friends in on the game to help hide the clues inside the school, such as in a locker, a text book, the bathroom or the bleachers. Meet the teen as he exits school at the end of the day and hand him the first clue. Place a bow on the hood of the car and watch his excitement build as he follows the clues.
Boxes of Boxes

Take a photo of the new car and place it in a small box. Gift wrap the box and place it inside a slightly larger box, fill the box with tissue paper and wrap it. Continue until you run out of larger boxes. Gift wrap the last box and place a bow on top. As the teen unwraps the boxes, have someone else drive the car into the driveway. When she finally reaches the photo, signal to the person outside to honk the horn. At the sound of the horn the reality of the gift will likely sink in and the teen will rush outside to see her gift.
The Envelope, Please

Before the teen goes to school in the morning, give him two envelopes, labeled A and B. On Envelope A, write "Open me at 2 p.m.," or whatever time he gets out of school. On Envelope B write "Open me when instructed to do so." Park the car near the school. Inside Envelope A, write a note giving directions to the place the car is parked, where he may open Envelope B. In Envelope B place the car key as well as a smaller envelope labeled Envelope C. Tie a note to the key that instructs him to open Envelope C. In Envelope C, enclose a photo of the car with "Surprise" written across it. Hide nearby to watch his glee as he tears through the envelopes.
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Writer Bio
Michelle Barry graduated from Salve Regina University with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Since then, she has worked as a reporter for the Wilbraham-Hampden Times, an editor for Month9Books and Evolved Publishing, editor and has spent the past seven years in marketing and graphic design. She also has an extensive background in dance.
Photo Credits
Mekenzie Hemstreet/Demand Media