It's easy to take a friend for granted when she is always there for you. You may forget that she has needs because you are so wrapped up in your own life. Unfortunately, your friend could become resentful and possibly pull away from you. Keep your friendship strong and tell your friend what she means to you by showing your appreciation for her.
Send your friend a note or card. Tell her that she means the world to you, and you don't know what you would do without her in your life. Thank her for being there for you through good times and bad.
Tell your friend how much he means to you in person. Go over to his house and spend time alone with him. Tell him you appreciate his friendship by saying something like, "You mean the world to me. I appreciate you as a friend."
Create a gift from the heart to express how much your friend means to you. For instance, you can make a scrapbook and put pictures of the two of you in the book. Include quotes or poetry that talk about friendship. Present your friend with the gift and watch her light up as she realizes how much she means to you.
Send a picture message by email or cell phone. This is a simple way of showing that you care. Send a picture of the two of you and write in the message that you are thankful to have a friend like him.
Dedicate a song to a good friend. Call up a radio station and pick a song that means something to your friend. Tell your friend to listen to the station and surprise her with your special song dedication.
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Writer Bio
Melissa Morang began writing professionally in 2002. She has created sales scripts for telemarketing companies and contributes to online publications. Morang has a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Minnesota.
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