You might think it's ridiculous and trivial for your husband to scream at the TV and storm around the house after his favorite sports team loses a game. To you it's just a game, but to him, it is a sport and a team that he is passionate about. While it's not the end of the world, you telling him that is not going to get him out of his foul mood. Instead, for the sake of the rest of the family, cheer up your man by getting his mind off the game with other items and activities he loves.
Step 1
Make his favorite meal. Have it prepped before the game begins. If his team had won, you would have served it as a victory celebration. Since they lost, offer it as a consolation prize. Go out and pick up that favorite, overindulgent dessert he loves from a certain restaurant as well. A sugar rush can make everything all right with the world.
Step 2
Get him out of the house. Get him as far away from the sports channel as you can to avoid him reliving his team's loss. Go out to eat, preferably at a restaurant that doesn't have TVs at the bar. Go bowling, and let him win, even if you're usually better than he is. Go see an adrenaline-pounding action flick that will put the game in the back of his mind.
Step 3
Surprise him with a small gift. Think of it as a way to distract him and put a smile on his face. It could be a new video game he's been wanting if he's a gamer or perhaps that electronic wine bottle opener he has had his eye on.
Step 4
Get romantic. Light some candles in your bedroom, put on his favorite mood music, and throw on lingerie you know he loves. Tell him you're his consolation prize. Run a bath for him, or give him an amazing massage. Let him whine about his team losing. He'll soon be refocused on you and forget all about the game.
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- Give your husband space if he seems to push away all of your attempts to make him feel better. Some people just prefer to be left alone for a little while.
- Do not tolerate rudeness or him being downright mean to you or other family members just because his team lost. If necessary, make sure he understands that being upset about a game does not give him a right to treat people badly.
Writer Bio
Based in Los Angeles, Zora Hughes has been writing travel, parenting, cooking and relationship articles since 2010. Her work includes writing city profiles for Groupon. She also writes screenplays and won the S. Randolph Playwriting Award in 2004. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in television writing/producing and a Master of Arts Management in entertainment media management, both from Columbia College.
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