Selecting the right gift is tricky business – both for the giver and the receiver. While choosing the right gift for a woman can be difficult, it is not an impossible task. If you are looking to give a gift that is sure to impress, be sure to select something that speaks from the heart instead of just from the pocketbook.
Determining the Right Price
You don’t need to spend a fortune to give a good gift. Keep the recipient and occasion in mind when you think of how much to spend. Spend however much you want for a loved one or family member, but you keep gifts for coworkers to $25 or less. Giving gifts over $25 in the office could violate your company’s ethics guidelines. Be sure to refer to your office’s handbook regarding this issue.
Need a good gift for the office? Try a personalized calendar or stationery, a computer or MP3 carrying case, a book, a gift card or stylish office supplies. If you’ re looking for a gift for your special someone, try a nice bottle of wine and a cheese basket or tickets to an entertainment venue. Or plan a special dinner, purchase a luxurious bathrobe or pay for jewelry-making or pottery classes.
Gift Ideas From the Heart
While every woman loves a store-bought gift, she will certainly appreciate a hand-made gift from the heart. Bank on the power of the pen and write her a love note she’ll want to keep forever, or use your computer’s word-processing program to make a homemade card to share your thoughts. If homemade cards are not for you, go for the thoughtful option and get her a gift that reflects a particular part of her personality or a special memory you share. For instance, if you’re on a budget, find something she already owns like a favorite piece of jewelry, a photo frame or a special item you share and have it engraved with a message or initials. Or paint her a picture matching the colors on display in her home.
Socially Conscious Gifts Ideas
You can always opt for a socially conscious gift that might reflect her values pertaining to a particular social issue. For instance, if your special someone loves coffee, enroll her in a coffee-of-the-month club that only uses fair-trade blends; if she likes jewelry, buy her a conflict-free stone. Another option is to make a donation to her favorite charity in her name. Other socially conscious gifts she could use include stainless steel travel mugs, eco-friendly handbags or gifts made from recycled products like old plastic water bottles, tires and paper.
Bath and Beauty Gifts Ideas
As a general rule, don’t give clothing items as gifts. This will help to avoid awkward conversations regarding clothing sizes, gift exchanges and personal style. Instead, give bath and beauty items that are sure to satisfy even those with the most discriminating taste.
Aromatherapy items are a place to start. Most retail stores carry aromatherapy essential oils, bath oils, soaps, and candles. However, if your special someone has sensitive skin, you may want to focus on aromatherapy items that are sprayed in the air or that come in candle form.
Not into lotions and candles? Then give her a professional spa experience instead to help her relax and de-stress, or give a gift certificate for a professional massage or body treatment (be sure to add an extra $10 to $15 for her to use for the masseur’s tip). If you like this idea but need a less-expensive option, purchase a gift certificate for the price of a hand or foot massage instead. These types of services are often half the price of a traditional full body massage.
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Writer Bio
Katrina Stackhouse has contributed to the "Southern Illinoisan Health Magazine." She holds a Bachelor of Science in public relations and a Master of Science in professional media management, both from Southern Illinois University.
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