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Norelco produces a line of electric razors designed to assist with the grooming needs of men and women. These razors feature a detachable shaving head that contains three small, round cutters, which serve to cut the excess hair from the user's skin. Over time, the edges of these cutters may dull, preventing the razor from working as well as desired. Norelco recommends purchasing a replacement shaving head when this occurs, but some third-party manufacturers have produced special sharpening heads specially designed to hone the edges of the Norelco's cutters.
Set the razor's power switch to the “off” position and disconnect its charging cord. Grip the edges of the shaving head holder and pull the holder free of the razor. Turn the shaving head holder over.
Remove the retaining frame from the shaving head holder—on some models, the frame is held in place by a screw, while on others the frame is designed to slide free of the holder. Remove each of the cutters from the shaving head holder, then remove the screens located under each cutter. Use a small brush to clean any stray hairs from the cutters, screens and shaving head holder.
Insert the sharpening heads into the space previously occupied by the cutter screens. Reinstall the cutters and retaining frame. Return the shaving head holder to an upright position and place it back onto the razor.
Set the razor's power switch to the “on” position and reconnect the charging cord. Allow the razor to run for three to five seconds, then set the power switch to the “off” position and disconnect the charging cord.
Remove the retaining frame, cutters and sharpening heads—use a small brush to remove any shavings that may have collected on these components. Rinse the components clean, then pat them dry with a paper towel or wash cloth. Install the cutter screens into the shaving head holder, then reinstall the cutters. Replace the retaining frame, then reinstall the shaving head holder onto the razor.
Set the razor's power switch to the “on” position and reconnect the charging cord. Allow the razor to operate for approximately 30 seconds, then set the power switch to the “off” position.
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- You can purchase accessories and replacement components for your Norelco razor from the manufacturer's website.
Writer Bio
Daniel Barrows has been working as a freelance writer for businesses in the Southern California area for over two years. He has also published articles online for websites like eHow.com and Answerbag.com. He has received a Bachelors of Arts in English from the University of California, Berkeley.
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Comstock Images/Stockbyte/Getty Images