When you give someone a nice picture frame, piece of jewelry or other sentimental gift, you might want to engrave something on the object. Engraving adds a personal touch and a bit of history that the receiver can cherish himself or pass onto his relatives. When considering what to engrave, think about your relationship with the receiver and choose something that signifies the connection you have together.
Initials or Names
Perhaps you are a parent who is giving your child a birthday locket or graduation bracelet. Children and young adults are often searching for their identity, so engraving their initials or name is a great way to encourage a sense of self. You can play around with the initials and use them as acronyms to detail a kid's personality. For example, a girl named Ingrid Ann Smith has the initials "IAS." Engrave words such as Intelligent, Affectionate and Silly to describe her.
You can engrave an inspirational quote that the receiver can carry with him for the rest of his life. If the gift is for your groom, engrave a short quote like "For Always" or "Forever By Your Side." Another option is to engrave an affectionate saying that only the two of you would understand. For friends, think of "inside" personal jokes that the two of you have shared. Engrave the punch line or a reminder of a fun memory. You can also engrave inspirational quotes, even if you have limited space. For example, Hellen Keller once remarked, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
Religious Texts
To provide a message of faith, engrave your favorite religious text. Some verses can be quite long, so if you don't have room to engrave the entire quote, then just use the reference information. For example, if you choose a famous quote from the Bible, engrave the book, reading and verse, such as "Ezekiel 22:14."
Sometimes a picture can say more than actual words. Pick a symbol that is important to you and/or the receiver. A zodiac sign is an important birth reminder that also represents personality traits. Chinese characters can signify love, faith, friendship or strength. Depending on the size of the area to be engraved, it might be helpful to choose simpler designs that the engraver will be able to replicate.
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Writer Bio
Bobby Suds has professionally written stories and reviews since 2005. He has been published in "Frontiers Magazine" and online at The Big Jewel and Opium.com, blending his unique style of humor with informative topics. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Notre Dame.