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A remnant from days gone by, the wedding telegram is a personable and immediate way to inform the happy couple you are unable to attend their wedding. Traditionally the best man reads the telegrams at the reception after his toast. Your message may be thoughtful or humorous, and it may contain an image. Create your telegram message with the idea that everyone at the wedding reception will hear it, including the bride’s father.
Remember When

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Send a message that expresses your condolences about missing the happy day, congratulates the couple, and maybe even relates an anecdote about them. This short-short story might reminisce about how the couple met or how your friend seemed a bit odd as he began dating her -- maybe they did the classic falling-in-love disappearing act. If you relate a story, end with something nice, such as what a great couple they make and how happy you are for them. Or perhaps you prefer a simple, “Regrettably are unable to attend this joyous occasion and want to extend our best wishes to the happy couple.” And iTelegrams offers these suggestions: “We wish you every happiness as you celebrate the love you share" and “We share in your happiness and wish you all the best.”
Laughter's the Best Medicine

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A humorous telegram, provided it is acceptable for all guests to hear, can bring the relief of laughter to the big day. You might share a story about how the couple met or how your friend acted so odd while they were falling in love. Do end the story with a nice touch, saying something about what a great couple they make. Or it may be a clever message that brings laughter. “A woman usually begins by resisting a man's advances, and then ends by blocking his retreat,” is a good bet for prompting chuckles. Another favorite: “We wish you well on your special day, may all your dreams of marriage come true, may all your troubles be small, and remember that marriage is like a three-ring circus: first is the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and then the suffering.”
Picture This

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Send a telegram that contains pictures and words. A telegram of a dove symbolizing eternal love with a heartfelt, “May your love grow stronger each day,” creates a keepsake for the couple. Or choose an open bottle of champagne and the telegram message, "Couldn’t be there in person to celebrate so raising a glass to your nuptials here.” A sentimental option is to send a picture of a set of wedding bands with the message “May your love be like these circles, neverending."
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Writer Bio
Angelique de la Morreaux began writing articles for various websites in 2010. Her focus is in the legal, small business, beauty, holiday, culture, food, drinks and automotive categories. Morreaux holds a Bachelor of Arts in social sciences from San Diego State University.
Photo Credits
AlekZotoff/iStock/Getty Images