Ideas for Competition Gifts

running image by Byron Moore from

Whether you plan to hold a contest at your school, in your community or during a party, you will need ideas for competition gifts. Choose awards to honor the winners for their hard work and perseverance. Gifts also encourage spectators and aspiring competitors to get involved in future contests. Ask local business owners, friends or family members to donate gifts for your competition.

Holiday Gifts

Hold friendly competitions during Christmas parties. Choose prizes for the winners. Gifts should reflect the holiday's festive spirit. Offer the winner a gift certificate for two tickets to a performance of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." Present the winners with a less expensive gift, such as a hot chocolate set with marshmallows and peppermint sticks. For a more elaborate gift idea, take the winners on a surprise horse-drawn carriage ride, complete with Santa Claus as a tour guide. Hand out Christmas-themed award certificates.

Athletic Gifts

Choose gifts that promote health and well-being for young athletes competing in a school relay or field day. Give the winners in all the top categories a gift certificate for a free smoothie a month for a year. Offer such prizes as a pair of new running shoes or a gift certificate to a local athletic store. Cut down on your costs while presenting athletes with sought-after prizes--ask local and national businesses to donate gifts to your athletic competition.

Academic Gifts

Hand out awards for such activities as spelling bees and debates. Select awards that honor academic excellence, such as gift certificates to a local book store, a subscription to a literary magazine or a gift card to a local book store's coffee shop. Keep with the book theme. Offer a grand prize that focuses on education, such as a trip to Washington, D.C. Schedule visits to the Library of Congress, the White House, national monuments, art museums and history museums. Give out ribbons or trophies for first, second and third place.