Bring people in your company or organization together with a social event. Combine your organization and creative skills to come up with and execute various ideas for social events for the people in your organization. Entertainment, games and themed parties can also double as fund-raising events.
Consider treating your most efficient employees with a catered lunch. Set a theme to each rewarding meal such as Mexican, barbecue, Asian, Indian, Italian and picnic-type foods. Send personal invitations along with copies of monthly or quarterly employee reviews as an incentive to reproduce the same quality work in future endeavors.
During the holiday season, plan an employee-appreciation banquet that doubles as a holiday get-together. Door prizes, guest favors and a plated or buffet-style meal shape the social event and integrate games and dancing as the evening's entertainment.
Youth Organizations
Football, cheerleading, basketball, soccer and swimming are only a few of the team sports offered at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Some organizations are private and some are sponsored by the school district. Celebrate their accomplishments or create a community fundraiser to benefit the children through social planning. A carnival including games constructed by the children or rented from an entertainment company can attract participants from neighboring counties. Inflatable attractions such as moon bounces, slides, jousts, adventure pieces and obstacle courses are very large in size and are often an attractive event for children of all ages.
Organize a sport tournament for parents to challenge their children in a face-off. Not only would it be entertaining for both parties participating but for spectators. Award a trophy to the winners and incorporate a separate set of rules for young children playing against parents to make the competition even such as parents playing basketball on their knees.
Homeowners Associations
Homeowners Associations often have social committees to plan community events for their members. Renting a large inflatable screen and projector for G-rated movies is an entertaining thought for community members. Fill bags with popcorn and encourage participants to bring lawn furniture or blankets for a movie-viewing party.
Throw a luau poolside, if applicable, and hire a pig-roasting catering company to bring the necessary smoker and to prepare pulled-pork sandwiches. Offer other items such as corn-on-the-cob, coleslaw, beans and snacks on a buffet table. Play games such as a hula contest and hula-hoop games with the families and award small prizes, such as outdoor games, toys and gift certificates.
School Functions
Social committees may not only plan and follow through with children's events, such as the fall fest, arts and crafts nights and curriculum-based parent nights, but may organize teacher-appreciation gestures and small activities during school time. During various holiday seasons or each month, the committee may use the time after school to decorate the classroom door of a teacher who has been voted "teacher of the month" or hallway decorations pertaining to the upcoming holiday.
Celebrate staff members with a potluck lunch or breakfast according to a monthly theme. Each month, teachers and staff bring in one item that when combined with other submissions create a Cinco de Mayo nacho bar, Oktoberfest hot dogs and root beer celebration, and a spring celebration picnic.
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