Following retirement, it is important for senior citizens to find meaningful activities and places to interact with others in order to remain healthy and happy. Many groups, community centers and organizations in the city of Indianapolis provide a wide range of services for help counteract the isolation and depression that can be associated with aging.
John H. Boner Community Center
The John H. Boner Community Center serves as a meeting place for senior citizens to interact with one another and engage in a variety of activities, such as assembling jigsaw puzzles, playing cards or playing bingo. It operates a senior center five times a week that includes hot meals, transportation services and shopping excursions. The center has several amenities, including a computer lab, exercise equipment and a piano. Additional activities include weekly outings and an annual New Year’s dance.
John H. Boner Community Center 2236 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 42601 317-633-8210 enn.org
Epilogue Players
The Epilogue Players is a community theater group designed to provide men and women over the age of 50 with the opportunity to use their acting talents. The group serves as both a creative outlet for senior citizens and a provider of quality theater to the Indianapolis community.
Epilogue Players 1849 N. Alabama Indianapolis, IN 46202-1506 317-926-3139 epilogueplayers.org
Indianapolis Senior Center
The Indianapolis Senior Center provides a variety of programming designed to improve the quality of life of senior citizens. The center offers nutrition advice, health screenings and a range of fitness programs and groups to encourage physical activity. The cost of membership is $35 a year. Members have access to a wide selection of recreational and leisure activities. These include language classes, computer skills courses, book discussion groups, music lessons and recitals, talent shows, art exhibitions, dance classes, bowling clubs, bridge lessons, painting workshops and culinary excursions. The center also organizes a number of community service projects, such as doll-making for sick children and handmade clothing for needy children.
Indianapolis Senior Center 708 East Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202-3624 317-263-6272 yourcenter.org
Foster Grandparent Program
The Community Action of Greater Indianapolis network offers a Foster Grandparent volunteer program that is ideal for senior citizens who enjoy working with children. Seniors are paired with an at-risk or special needs child to provide individual mentoring, literacy assistance, tutoring and guidance. Volunteers serve at public schools, shelters, hospitals and guardian homes.
Community Action of Great Indianapolis 2445 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46208 317-396-1530 cagi-in.org
Hawthorne Community Center
Hawthorne Community Center hosts a senior citizen program. Activities include card playing, puzzles, crafts, walking, light aerobics exercise, bingo, euchre and birthday celebrations. A hot meal is provided daily and shopping trips are scheduled weekly. A number of special trips and events are also offered.
Hawthorne Community Center 2440 W. Ohio Street Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-637-4312 hawthornecenter.org
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