Charitable and nonprofit organizations in Ohio must be registered with the Office of the Secretary of State. According to the most recent figures (September 2009), almost 4,000 charitable organizations with 501(3)c status are in the state of Ohio. Charitable organizations in Ohio provide services and funding to activities and programs, which aid community and individual needs.
Ohio Masonic Lodge

The Ohio Masonic Lodge operates more than 500 clubs in Ohio. Masons work within the community to support events and causes that fall within the organization's guidelines. Programs that gain support from the Ohio Masonic Lodge include a college scholarship foundation, Special Olympics, Ohio Masonic Home, Masonic Model Student Assistance Program, Dyslexic Learning Centers, National Heritage Museum, Abbott Scholarships, Adopt America, Royal Arch Research Assistance Grants, Knight Templar Eye Foundation and children's orthopedic, spinal injury and burn hospitals.
Candles for Jesus Christ Furniture Ministry

Candles for Jesus Christ Furniture Ministry organization collects furniture, clothes and household goods. Volunteers create and sell framed art to raise money to provide home items to those in need. The ministry routinely aids families who have lost their home from fire or flooding, as well as those who need a helping hand when starting over after a financial or marital crisis.
Kiwanis Club
The Kiwanis Club offers Ohio clubs for adults, children and adults with disabilities. The mission of the Kiwanis Club involves improving the quality of life in the community, with a focus on providing positive resources for youth. Ohio clubs network with schools and related youth organizations, which offer programming to youth. Kiwanis Club members donated money and volunteer hours to projects that benefit the education and health of community youth.
American Children's Charity Task Force
American Children's Charity Task Force works to build strong communities by assisting children living in poverty. This organization aids children who have medical or mental health needs but do not have quality insurance coverage.
Achievement Centers for Children
Achievement Centers for Children was organized in 1940 as part of a Cleveland area Rotary Club initiative. This center serves children who have physical, neurological, cognitive and sensory disabilities. Trained staffers provide therapy, recreational and support services for children and families.
Special Wish Foundation
A Special Wish Foundation provides services to children up to age 21 who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder. A special hero for seriously ill children founded this organization in 1982 to provide gifts, a visit to a special place or an appearance.
ACTION Ohio Coalition
The ACTION Ohio Coalition for Battered Women provides services to abused woman and children. Staff members and volunteers provide housing referrals, education, technical assistance, to women and related domestic violence organizations. In addition to providing care for battered women, this group also focuses on community awareness and outreach initiatives.
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Writer Bio
Tara Dodrill began writing professionally in 1990. She is a travel writer and photographer working for print and online media, primarily covering Florida, ecotourism and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Her writing credits include RUMBUM, Yahoo News, Visit South magazine,and North Carolina Coastal Guide. She studied journalism and education at Ohio University and real estate at Hondros College.
Photo Credits
Tara Dodrill