Bridal showers are a time for women to gather to honor the upcoming wedding of a friend or relative. Guests may not always know each other and playing games can provide a way for them to get acquainted as well as add an element of friendly competition. There are many games that adults attending the shower should enjoy playing.
Two Truths and a Lie
Play a game of “Two Truths and a Lie” to break the ice and give guests a way to get to know each other. In this game, players take turns telling the group two facts about themselves and one lie. Players should make the lie as hard to detect as possible. After the statements are made, other players try to guess which ones are the truth and which one is the lie. Explain the rules to the guest and give them a few minutes to think of what they’ll say when their turns come around. The people who get away with telling the lies win the game.
Bridal Shower Bingo
For a game that gets guests involved in the opening of the gifts, play “Bridal Shower Bingo.” Making the cards for this game can be done on the computer or by hand. Create a blank grid with the word “bride” instead of “bingo.” Pass out the cards to players along with pencils and instruct them to write down one commonly given shower gift in each square. The card then gets passed to the player to the right of them. No player should have their own cards. Use Jordan almonds as bingo card markers and as each gift is opened, place an almond on the square where it appears. Whoever completes a row and yells “bride” first wins.
Purse Game
There’s a high probability that most guests at the bridal shower will bring a purse, so incorporate this into a game. Before the shower, print up a list of things that are commonly found in a lady’s purse, like medicine, makeup, hairbrush and cell phone. Include some far-out objects as well for fun. Pass each player a copy of the list and instruct them to get out their purses. Each woman marks off the objects she has and tallies up the number. Award bonus points for whoever has the strangest object, determined by the bride-to-be.
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Writer Bio
Sarah Schreiber has been writing since 2004, with professional experience in the nonprofit and educational sectors as well as small business. She now focuses on writing about travel, education and interior decorating and has been published on Trazzler and various other websites. Schreiber received a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications.
Photo Credits
women image by Svetlin Rusev from Fotolia.com