Moms generally do all the birthday party planning and implementation for everyone in the family -- for Dad, for all the kids, for extended family members and sometimes even for themselves. On your mom's birthday, treat her to a special lunch either at home or out at a restaurant, so she'll know she's special.
Holding Mom's Birthday Lunch at a Restaurant

Your first decision to make about your mom's birthday lunch is the location. Do you want to take her to a special restaurant, or do you want to celebrate her big day at home?
If you decide to go to a restaurant, pick one of her favorites, or a place she's always wanted to go to. Make sure the restaurant is in your price range, including tax and gratuity, so you don't have any unpleasant surprises at the end of the meal. Ask guests to dress in their party best, and greet your mother with flowers or a corsage when she arrives. Instead of a regular lunch, consider a tea party at a special tea house or hotel. Make sure all your guests have all the information about the lunch, including where the restaurant is, what the costs might be, where to park, and what time to arrive, especially if your birthday lunch is going to be a surprise for your mom.
Holding Mom's Birthday Lunch at Home

If you're on a budget, or if it's more important to your mom to be surrounded by her loved ones than to go someplace fancy, consider holding her birthday lunch at home. Make sure your mom doesn't have to do any of the work. Your dad should handle the cooking, or you and your brothers and sisters can take on the task. You can even consider catering the lunch. Choose your mom's favorite foods, and make sure she doesn't have to do any of the cleaning up afterward.
Decorate your home to make the occasion special. Flowers are always wonderful decorations, or consider a themed lunch celebration, perhaps based on one of your mom's favorite television shows or hobbies. Children and grandchildren can help with the decorations, making special banners to celebrate your mom.
Birthday Presents for Mom

A birthday lunch isn't complete without presents for the birthday girl--in this case, your mom. Make sure she has birthday cards signed by all the guests at the lunch. Handmade cards from her children and grandchildren are likely to be a hit. Consider asking the luncheon guests to chip in to pay for a gift, such as a gift certificate to a spa or for a weekend away at a hotel or bed-and-breakfast inn. Buy her special treats she probably wouldn't buy for herself, such as champagne or chocolates. If your mom has a special hobby, such as making scrapbooks, cooking or photography, buy her special gadgets or equipment that will help her enjoy her interests. Make sure she knows she is loved, and her birthday lunch will be a special celebration.
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