Do you have a little girl who needs a veil? It might be for her first communion, or perhaps she is an attendant in a wedding and needs a veil to match her dress. If she's going trick-or-treating or to a costume party, a veil adds the finishing touch to her outfit if she's a princess or a medieval lady like Shakespeare's Juliet. Making a veil for a child is easy and fun and will save you quite a bit of money. Take your little girl shopping for tulle and embellishments and get started on an enjoyable project together.
Measure from the crown of the child’s head down to the desired length. Add 6 inches to that measurement to compensate for gathering and bunching the veil. It’s always better to have too much fabric, as you can trim it later if it is too long. Measure the width of the child’s shoulders to determine how wide the tulle piece for the veil will need to be.
Cut a piece of tulle according to your measurements. You should have a long, rectangular piece of tulle. Make sure you use fabric scissors meant for cutting delicate fabrics like tulle, as using regular scissors or those with serrated edges can rip tulle.
Cut two pieces of thick white ribbon the length of the width of the tulle to serve as a border for the bottom of your veil.
Lay the tulle on a flat surface and apply a thin line of fabric glue to the bottom edge of the veil. Place ribbon over the glue and smooth it gently over the edge so that bubbles or wrinkles do not form. Flip the veil over and apply glue to the other side of the veil and glue ribbon so that the pieces of ribbon are glued together on the bottom edge of the veil.
Gather the fabric on the side of the veil opposite of where you glued the ribbon. This is the top part of the veil that you will glue to the barrette. Glue bunched fabric to the underside rim of the comb barrette with hot glue so that the fabric is extending out the front of the barrette, going away from the prongs of the barrette. Allow the glue to dry.
Measure around the rim of the barrette and cut a piece of ribbon to that length. Apply a line of glue going around the rim of the barrette and over the bunched tulle you glued and wrap the ribbon around the glued rim. Allow the glue to dry completely.
Flip the veil over the barrette so it is now going in the same direction as the prongs of the barrette. Slide the barrette into place at the crown of your child’s head.
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Writer Bio
Amy Davidson is a graduate from the University of Florida in Gainesville, with a bachelor's degree in journalism. She also writes for local papers around Gainesville doing articles on local events and news.
Photo Credits
white wedding veil with headdress.Over red background image by Marek Kosmal from Fotolia.com