A petticoat is a piece of underwear used to make a dress or skirt more voluminous. The petticoat became popular in the 1950's with the resurgence of the fuller skirt and have come in and out of style with the silhouettes since then. They are a modern take on the crinoline; they provide the support but not the bulk. A petticoat can be made of tulle or satin, both are stiff enough to support a full skirt. When making a petticoat for a baby, comfort is a top priority. Choose a very soft tulle or use satin for softness against the skin. An elastic waistband makes this skirt adjustable and versatile.
Cut the fabric into 3 rectangular pieces. The first piece should be twice the width of the baby's waist and 10-inches long. The second should be twice the width of the first piece and 10-inches long. The third rectangle should be twice the width of the second rectangle and also 10-inches long.
Cut the elastic to be 1-inch shorter than the circumference of the waist of the baby.
Place the elastic on the top edge of the width of the first fabric rectangle, overlapping the elastic over the fabric by 1/2 inch. Both the right side of the fabric and right side of the elastic should be facing up.
Sew the elastic to the fabric using a machine zig zag stitch and sewing in the center of the elastic. Stretch the elastic as you sew to cover the entire width of the fabric.
Sew the top edge of the width of the second rectangle of fabric, 1/2-inch from the edge using a machine straight stitch set to 4 pt (basting stitch). Sew off the fabric leaving a 3-inch tail. Do not back or lock-stitch the fabric edge.
Pull the bottom thread of the stitch, gathering in the fabric. Gather it in to be the length of the hem of the first rectangle.
Match the shirred edge of the width of the second rectangle up with the unshirred hem edge of the first rectangle, right sides together.
Sew the two rectangles together, 5/8 inch from the fabric edge using a machine straight stitch set to 2 pt. You will be sewing inside of the gathered stitch line, hiding it.
Gather in the top edge of the width of the third rectangle to be the length of the hem of the second rectangle and sew the gathered edge to the hem of the second rectangle as above.
Fold the hem of the third tier of the skirt towards the inside of the skirt 1/2 inch.
Sew the hem using a machine straight stitch 1/4-inch from the fold edge.
Fold the skirt in half along the length of the skirt, matching up each tier seam, the elastic and the hem.
Sew the side seam 1/2 inch from the edge, sewing through the elastic as well.
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Writer Bio
Heather Berkowe is a fashion designer with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in fashion design. She has more than five years of experience in the fashion industry, including design work for lingerie brands and owning the inner-wear company Soussuits. Berkowe has been writing since 1997, with work appearing in the "Journal News" and Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibitions.
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