What Is the Easiest Way to Restring a Hooded Sweatshirt?

Close-up of teenage boy (16-17) wearing a hooded shirt

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A hooded sweatshirt without a drawstring is like a pair of sweatpants without the elastic band. Or sneakers without shoelaces. Or a cupcake without frosting. All is not lost when you want to reunite a drawstring and a hoodie. All you need are common household items and a little practice.

Safety Pin Push

Attach a large safety pin to one end of the drawstring. Make sure you have removed any knots at the end of the drawstring.

Push the safety pin into the opening of the drawstring casing. Gather a few inches of the casing fabric down over the rigid body of the safety pin.

Pull the gathered fabric down past the safety pin so that the safety pin keeps traveling through the casing.

Repeat the gathering and pushing process until you reach the opposite opening on the casing.

Pull the safety pin out the other end and remove the safety pin from the end of the string.

Knotted Push

Tie a sturdy, thick knot at the end of the drawstring. Be sure the knot is as close to the end of the drawstring as possible. Tie a double knot if the drawstring is thin, so that you have some bulk to push through the casing.

Push the hefty knot through the casing. Gather the fabric over the body of the knot and push the knot forward as you release the gathered fabric.

Take your time pushing the knot through. This technique takes a little longer but is ideal if you have no other tools on hand.

Letter Opener Push

Tie the end of the drawstring to a flat, metal letter opener. Many styles have a small hole in the handle to tie the string. Otherwise, tie the drawstring around the handle snugly with a double knot.

Push the pointed end of the letter opener through the casing.

Gather the fabric over the letter opener as you work and release as you move the drawstring through the casing until you reach the other end.