There are many benefits to attending an all-girls school: You and your friends don't have to share the spotlight with boys; girls make up the entire student government, and you and your friends can focus on your schoolwork free of the distracting element that boys create. But there are drawbacks as well. When you're a student at an all-girls school, you might need a little help when it comes to meeting a guy.
Step 1
Talk to your friends. After all, other girls from school have brothers, cousins and friends that they would never date. Going out as a group of friends is a low-stress way to meet a boy.
Step 2
Think about the type of boy you would like to meet. Look for a boy that shares your interests. Consider whether you would like to meet a boy who is athletic, spiritual, creative or just a lot of fun. Then find a co-ed club or other outside-of-school activity that maps to your interests. You're more likely to hit it off with the boy you might meet there when you know right away you have something in common.
Step 3
Look around at your place of worship. Many churches, mosques and synagogues have youth groups or offer other opportunities for young people to meet and have fun. Also consider mission trips, pilgrimages or other retreats. All of these are ways to meet boys who share your values and beliefs.
Step 4
Take a class in the community. Look into photography, music or other enriching activities. Check out the classes before joining to see if there is a good ratio of boys to girls.
Step 5
Look into any boys' schools in the area. Many boys schools look for girls in the community to take to dances act as cheerleaders and otherwise participate in campus life. Check their website or newsletter for tryouts and other news.
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- Use good manners and be friendly. Smile when you meet boys. Share your sense of humor. Give compliments if they are truly warranted and listen at least as much as you talk.
- Beware of Internet relationships. Never agree to meet in person if your only contact with them has been online.
Writer Bio
Based in Nashville, Shellie Braeuner has been writing articles since 1986 on topics including child rearing, entertainment, politics and home improvement. Her work has appeared in "The Tennessean" and "Borderlines" as well as a book from Simon & Schuster. Braeuner holds a Master of Education in developmental counseling from Vanderbilt University.
Photo Credits
Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images