Cuff bracelets are sometimes worn on the upper arm or just below the elbow, where they cling to the arm to stay in place. When worn this way, a cuff should be made of a springy metal or wire material. On the other hand, a traditional thick metal cuff shouldn't be pushed up toward the elbow, as this creates a misshapen bracelet that'll slide off the arm. With thick metal cuffs, you must start with the right cuff shape and wear the cuff in the right place. Constantly adjusting any type of cuff bracelet will wear it down and cause it to slip no matter how tight you try to squeeze it. You must care for, and wear, a cuff properly to prevent it from sliding off.
Thick Metal Cuffs
Determine whether you have a round wrist or a more flattened, wide wrist. Look for a cuff that mirrors the shape of your wrist. If you have a plump, round wrist, choose a cuff bracelet that has a round "C" shape.
Find where the wrist bones jut out on your wrists. Hold the cuff in the opposite hand, with the gap in the cuff facing away from you, and slide the cuff over the inside of your lower arm about a half-inch above your wrist bones.
Slide the cuff around your forearm until the solid part of the cuff rests across the back of your arm.
Push the cuff down slightly until it feels snug on your arm. Don't squeeze the cuff -- if you have to squeeze it to keep it on your arm, you need a smaller bracelet.
Place double-sided tape on the inside of a cuff bracelet that no longer fits on the lower part of your arm just above the wrist. Choose a wider part of the arm, such as just above the elbow, to wear it. Slide it on the same way as in Step 2 and slowly slide it around your arm until the gap in the cuff is facing down and the solid part is resting over the outside of your arm, away from your body. Press the bracelet in place, but don't squeeze it.
Springy Metal Cuff
Choose a place on your arm, preferably just below the elbow or just above it, to wear the cuff. Once you wear the cuff in that position, you'll have to keep wearing it in the same place or the metal will begin to wear and eventually become brittle and possibly break.
Choose a cuff bracelet made of a springy metal, such as aluminum, or wire. Make sure the cuff is a bit smaller than the width of your arm at the position you'll be wearing the bracelet.
Hold the bracelet in the opposite hand, with the gap in the cuff pointing away from you, and slide it slowly over your arm. Twist the cuff around your forearm until the gap rests on the inside of your arm, toward your body.
Squeeze the bracelet only slightly to tighten it, but only if you're sure this is where it will fit and look the best. If the cuff slides too much, choose a wider part of your arm and try the fit there.
Wear the cuff in the same place every time and don't allow others to wear it. Squeeze the bracelet very seldom so the metal can retain its strength and shape.
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Writer Bio
Carolina Arana has been writing professionally since 2003. She has been published online and in "Cypress Dome," as well as academic research conducted for the University of Central Florida and various private companies such as Leading and Learning Inc. Arana is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in biology.
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