Cuff bracelets are accessories that hug the wrist closely. They are fixed size bracelets that slip over the hand or directly over the wrist. Cuff bracelets have a gap in the design to allow the bracelet to pass over the hand or wrist and still fit the wearer tightly. Remember that your wrist measurement should match the inside of the bracelet, not the exterior - especially if your cuff bracelet is made from a thick material, such as wood. After you measure your wrist, bring the measurements to the store with you to select the cuff bracelet of your choice.
Wrap a soft, flexible measuring tape, such as one used to measure fabric, around your wrist. Place the tape where you are most likely to wear the cuff bracelet. Examples include right where your hand meets your wrist or an inch or two back from that point. Write down the measurement.
Cut a piece of paper into a strip at least 8 inches long and 1 inch wide. Use a wider strip if you're interested in a wider bracelet. Wrap the tape around your wrist so it fits as you'd like a cuff bracelet to fit and tape the paper in place. Mark off where the paper ends meet and measure that distance after you remove the paper from your wrist.
Follow the same instructions as the paper measurement but this time, use a string, if desired. Cut the string at least 8 inches long, wrap it in place around your wrist and tape it off. Mark the string, measure the distance between the marks and note your wrist measurement.
Look for a cuff bracelet that's a bit larger than your wrist measurement, which ensures that the bracelet will fit and will not be unwearable if your wrist swells (in humidity, for instance). Include the cuff bracelet's gap in the total measurement for the accessory and measure on the inside of the bracelet to match your wrist size.
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Writer Bio
Tallulah Philange has worked as a journalist since 2003. Her work has appeared in the "Princeton (N.J.) Packet," "Destinations" magazine and in higher education publications. She also has edited and produced online content for those publications. Philange holds a Bachelor of Arts in print journalism from American University and a Master of Arts in communication, culture and technology from Georgetown University.
Photo Credits
bracelet image by alexandre zveiger from Fotolia.com