Coordinating a wedding ceremony is a huge job for one person. Take some of the pressure off yourself by delegating tasks to friends and family members early on. Many weddings take months to plan, so start as early as possible. Choose the theme first, as this will help simplify decision-making issues. To reduce stress, perform tasks one at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Make a written plan or timeline. List the necessary tasks according to how far in advance they need to be completed. The first priorities should be those tasks that need to be completed as soon as possible, such as booking a venue. Least important priorities should be lighting and decorations. They can be handled closer to the wedding date.
Create a diagram of how the wedding ceremony will be executed. Give copies to all members of the wedding party and the officiant. As the wedding draws near, rehearse several times with all parties in attendance. Rehearsal is especially important for younger members of the wedding party, such as the ring bearer and flower girl. It may take young children longer to learn their parts.
Check on the preparations as they progress. Ensure that the caterer has your event on his schedule. Call the venue to double-check on times and amenities. Check on the progress of the decorating. Ideally, decorations should be in place the day before the event. If that is not allowed, they should be completed several hours before the ceremony. Give yourself enough time so that you aren't rushing at the last minute.
Watch over the wedding as it happens to ensure that everything is running smoothly. If you are the bride, hand over the coordinating task to someone you trust who is not in the wedding. The coordinator should be available to help the bridal party prepare to walk down the aisle. The coordinator is also responsible for being sure the music and the seating go smoothly.
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Writer Bio
Crystal Lassen hails from Kansas City, Mo. and has been a book critic since 2008. Her reviews have appeared on the Publisher's Weekly website and are largely concerned with current events. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing from The University of Kansas.
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