A minister or officiant has a significant role in the wedding, since he is the one who actually performs the wedding ceremony. When a minister signs up to perform a wedding, there are things to be considered and noted concerning the particular event such as the venue details, number of attendants and details of the ceremony.
Event Details
Prior to the wedding, the minister must have all the written details regarding the wedding ceremony, including wedding date, exact time, as well as the bride's and the groom’s contact numbers, addresses and email addresses. The minister should also know the exact venue where the ceremony is to be held.
Readings and Prayers
The minister must confirm with the wedding couple whether they would like a standard ceremony, or if they want to include any special prayers or readings, such as Native American Blessing or some verses from a sacred script. If so, the minister must have it written down somewhere accessible.
Many people choose not to include vows in the wedding ceremony, which is why its important to find out whether or not vows should be mentioned during the ceremony. If the minister assumes there is going to be an exchange of vows, he may announce it during the wedding, and the unprepared bride and groom may encounter awkwardness in the presence of family and friends.
The minister should find out if the couple plans to give gifts -- such as flowers -- to grandparents or parents right before beginning the ceremony. If so, the minister should be prepared to give them some time instead of attempting to start right after the bride walks up to the isle.
The minister must know the number of bridesmaids and groomsmen, and if there are any special people involved in the ceremony that require mentioning, such as a ring bearer, or the flower girl.
Attending Confirmation
If the minister is required in the rehearsal dinner, he must confirm it as soon as possible so he could manage his availability accordingly. He must confirm the wedding reception a few days before the wedding is to be held.
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Writer Bio
Dr. Muhammad Haq has been writing for over 10 years on medicine and health issues in the "British Medical Journal" and on various websites. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a degree in medicine and obtained membership in the Royal College of Physicians in the U.K. Dr. Haq has been teaching in the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital since.
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