What is a Gored Skirt?

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The gored skirt is a popular skirt style that offers a flattering shape and gives ease of movement to the wearer. Compatible with many fabrics, the gored skirt can be worn all seasons of the year. Its simple style and clean lines also make this skirt a great option for first-time skirt makers or for a creative home project using vintage neckties.

How It Is Made

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The gored skirt is made of several triangular pieces of fabric, known as “gores.” The gores of a skirt are smaller at the top of the waist and wider toward the bottom of the hemline. When these gores are stitched together, the skirt takes on an A-line shape that works well for most body types. This design allows for a flattering fit at the hips and ease of movement while walking.

Fabric Used

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Almost any type of fabric can be used for a gored skirt, provided it swings well and stitches easily. During the fall, ponte knits are favorites for gored skirts, as are sweater knits and polyester/rayon blends. Owners of gored skirts generally prefer wrinkle-free material, because gored skirts have more material to iron than do other skirt styles.

Get the Look

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Consider the length of a gored skirt when shopping online or at your favorite store. The most popular gored skirt length is right below the knee, although the skirt can also be found in mid-calf and ankle-length styles. A below-the-knee gored skirt looks great with tights and ballet flats, while a mid-calf gored skirt looks fantastic with boots. Wear high heels with the ankle-length style to look elegant and feminine.


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The gored skirt is often confused with a godet skirt. The difference between the two lies in where the gores start. In a gored skirt, the gores start at the waistline and make up the entire skirt. In a godet skirt, the gores are inserted about halfway down or below the knee. This gives a clean, straight look at the top and double the flounce at the bottom.

Make Your Own

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The traditional gored skirt allows room for nontraditional creativity. Some funky skirt makers have used vintage neckties of varied patterns and materials to make their skirts. Others have used fabrics of different colors and lengths to stitch together peasant skirts with lots of character. If you are making your own gored skirt, consider the possibilities and get creative.