Traditional Baptism Gifts from Godfathers

Many new godfathers are honored by the idea of being a new child's spiritual leader throughout his life. When a child is christened, the godfather is expected to give a small speech and gift to his new godchild. Traditionally, this gift is expected to be something related to faith affiliation of the family. Godfathers can choose from several traditional gifts to present to their godchildren.

Children's Bible

As the child's spiritual leader, a children's Bible may be a good gift for the new baby. As he grows older, you can read to him and teach him different things about his faith from a source he will better understand. This will also give you and your godchild a spiritual way to learn and spend time with each other as you guide him through his religious growth.


A popular gift idea is a piece of jewelry, either a necklace or bracelet, that has a religious symbol. A cross, saint or other sign of faith is acceptable. These items can be found in sizes that will fit the baby. You can also purchase items in larger sizes so that the child may grow into them as she gets older.


Often a godfather may choose to supply a cross to hang in the baby's room. This may be the first religious symbol the baby will own, and it is traditionally supplied by the child's spiritually guiding godparents. Crosses can be purchased in silver, gold or other materials. Keep in mind that this gift should last for many years, as it is something the child can treasure as he grows older.