How to Tell if a Rado Is Fake

watch image by Leonid Nyshko from

Rado is a Swiss manufacturer of top-quality watches. Rado is considered a pioneer in using scratch-proof materials. Rado watches are highly sought for their style, design and fashionable appearance. This has led to a flooded marketplace of counterfeit watches. By learning how to spot the telltale signs of imitation Rado watches, you can purchase an authentic Rado watch with confidence.

Look at the screws on the watch's back to determine if their slots are straight or crossed. If it's an authentic Rado watch, the screws will have straight slots. Screws on fake Rado watches have crossed slots.

Check for gold plating on the back of the watch. Authentic Rado watches do not contain any gold plating.

Examine the words on the watch face. Fake Rado watches will have "Swiss Made" or "Swiss Movement" written at the 6 o'clock point, while genuine Rado watches only contain the word "Swiss" with three Arabic numbers that represent the model number.

Test the watch winder. If the Rado watch is authentic, it will wind smoothly without obstruction.

Count the number of engraved digits on the back of the watch, which is the watch's serial number. Fake watches may have 13 digits, while authentic Rado watches only list eight digits.

Study the Rado crown and logo. The logo on fake Rado watches are often sloppily glued to the end of the crown design. Make sure the crown shows no signs of uneven edges or glue.

Inspect the surface of the watch dial for fingerprints, hair and dust that are often found on poorly-constructed imitation Rado watches.

Hold the watch in a dark area and observe the glow of the dial. Fake Rado watches will have poor luminous quality or won't glow at all. Authentic Rado watches use a special substance that provides high-quality glow to the dial and hands, allowing you to read the time clearly in the dark.

Read the words on the watch dial and case back for any spelling mistakes in phrases such as "Limited Edition," "Eighteen Jewels" and "Made in Switzerland." If there are any spelling errors or grammatical mistakes, the Rado watch is not genuine.