How to Make a Photo Collage Out of Poster Board

summer collage image by Stasys Eidiejus from

Making a collage full of special pictures can effectively document achievements and preserve memories. A collage on a large piece of poster board often sits in a prominent location at a graduation party, an anniversary party and even at visitations when guests gather to remember someone recently deceased. Make a photo collage out of poster board using commemorative photos that represent the person or the theme you desire. The finished result will help remember special times and achievements.

Place the poster board onto a flat work surface, and arrange the photographs in a special order for the collage. If your collage will represent someone’s lifetime, begin the photographs with the youngest photos of the subject and place them in chronological order up to the last photos. If your collage will represent someone’s achievements, arrange the photos in a way that presents the achievement and the hard work the subject performed to succeed.

Place the photos onto the poster board to plan the arrangement without attaching them yet. Rearrange the photos until you have a pleasing display of photos, leaving room for writing captions either above or below the photos.

Place a photo corner onto each corner of the photos and affix the photos to the poster board with the photo corners. By using photo corners, you enable the safe removal of the photos from the collage if you wish to remove them at some point in the future. Continue working until you attach every photo to the poster board.

Write captions about the photos above or below the photos with the gel pens. Identify everyone in the photos, and write any pertinent information about the photos (such as dates and locations) to help people who view your collage understand the photographs.

Add decorative stickers or scrapbooking embellishments around the photos to fill in areas of the poster board not filled with photographs. Try to make the collage look lively, bright and interesting with the scrapbooking decorations you choose.