The options for braiding hair range from simple to complicated, with many different embellishing techniques that will create a wide variety of different hairstyles. Keep a braided hairstyle simple, yet add colorful embellishments to give it a touch of fancy pizazz. When you braid a ribbon into the hair, you instantly have a splash of color that will draw the eye to your style. If you know how to braid, braiding a ribbon into your hair should be fast and easy.
Comb or brush your hair thoroughly to remove any tangles.
Spray your hair lightly with the spray bottle to moisten it slightly.
Pull your hair back into one ponytail at the top of your head or into two pigtails on either side of your head. Secure the ponytail or pigtails with elastic hair bands, making sure to make them tight.
Measure each ponytail or pigtail with the ruler or tape measure and double this measurement. Cut two lengths of ribbon for each ponytail or pigtail at the measurement you calculated.
Insert the end of a ribbon length beneath one loop of the elastic hairband holding your ponytail or a pigtail. Pull the ribbon length through to the halfway point, so the ribbon loops securely over the tight hairband and the lengths of the ribbon hang down from the hairband with the rest of your hair. Repeat this process with the other ribbon, so you have four lengths of ribbon hanging down. If you have another pigtail, add the ribbons to it using the same technique.
Separate the hair in the ponytail or in a pigtail into two sections. You will have two hair sections and one ribbon section to braid. Begin braiding the three sections in the same way you would braid three hair sections. When you reach the bottom of the ponytail or pigtail, secure the braid with another elastic hair band. Cut off any excess ribbon, so the ribbons are the same length as your hair.
Repeat the same process with another pigtail, if applicable.
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- "Braid Crazy: Simple Steps for Daring 'Dos'"; Carla Sinclair, Mark Frauenfelder and Susan Sheridan; 2003
Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
Photo Credits
girl with braids image by Galina Barskaya from Fotolia.com