Some women view thin hair as a blessing; after all, it's easy to wash and maintain. However, curling thin, fine hair can be a bit of a struggle. That's because thin hair doesn't hold heat for very long and because it's so fine, it tends to lose its curl relatively quickly. Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks out there that will allow you to curl your fine hair and keep it looking great all day long.

Make sure your hair is completely dry. If necessary, use a blow dryer. However, it's best to curl hair a day after you washed it since the natural oils on your scalp will help hold the curl.

Spray a fine mist of hair spray onto your entire head of hair and make sure to get the roots. Choose a hair spray that is flexible to create a more natural-looking head of curls.

Section your hair into different areas. Depending on the style you want, create more or fewer sections. The fewer sections you have, the more wavy and full bodied your curls will look. The more sections you create, the curlier your hair will appear. You can section off with hair clips.

Curl each section individually. To do so, place your curling iron at the end of the section and clamp down. Then, twist the curling iron up until all your hair is wrapped around the barrel. Be careful not to burn your scalp.

Hold the curling iron with your hair for approximately 15 seconds and then release. Do not run your fingers through the curl or comb it.

Twist the curled piece of hair and hold it until the heat dissipates. Your hair only retains a curl once it has cooled off and the ringlet is still intact. Finally, spray it with your hair spray once again.

Continue curling the rest of your hair. When you are finished, you can use a comb, wide-toothed brush or your fingers to break up the curls and create your desired look.
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Writer Bio
Wendy Rose Gould is a professional journalist who has contributed to "Glamour" magazine and the Huffington Post, among other publications. After internships at the "Indianapolis Business Journal," "Kiwanis International" and "NUVO Newsweekly," she earned BA degrees in journalism and philosophy from Franklin College in 2008. Gould specializes in lifestyle topics.
Photo Credits
Jessica Shaw/Demand Media