The most well-known model agencies in the world — Ford, Elite, DNA and IMG — all operate with one premise in mind: to find models who will sell their client’s products. The models must be able to give clients what they want, whether that is a pretty face, a bold expression, angular lines to match their clothes designs or an alluring body to fill out a swimsuit. Bridal fashion models are fairly unique in that they are required in any age group and size. Bridesmaids, flower girls, brides and grooms are all necessary to pose for wedding fashions.
Create a photo portfolio of yourself in wedding fashions. A trip to a bridal boutique with a friend and a digital camera should do it. The photos should include a variety of close-up full frontal face photos with appropriate bridal hairstyles and hair accessories. Take waist up and full-body photographs in a variety of short and long gowns.
Create a resume of your modeling experience. In addition to contact information, include photos or clippings of any professional modeling positions for which you have posed.
Learn to apply make-up to enhance your natural beauty. Use a light touch for bridal fashion photography.
Call or visit bridal boutiques and departments in your area to discover when they will be holding fashion shows. Tell them you are interested in posing for their shows and ask them if they would consider you as a model for their programs.
Check the newspapers, websites, and fashion magazines for open casting calls. Go to them ready to wow the organizers with your high energy, friendly personality and timeliness. Always bring your own make-up, hair-styling essentials, foundations and a pair of appropriate shoes with you.
Be prepared to work for free to gain experience. Local bridal shops or church organizations are great places to acquire experience and photographs for your portfolio.
Do your homework. Watch professional models at runway shows and look at bridal fashion magazines to see what the latest styles are and what type of photographs they use. Take similar photographs of yourself for your portfolio.
Practice wedding marches and be prepared to deliver an attractive walk in low, medium and high heels.
Look your most attractive at all times when out in public. You may just be discovered by a scouting agent for a local, or one of the more exclusive, modeling agencies. But get an education in case your look is not the one bridal fashions are looking for.
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Writer Bio
Based in the Pacific Northwest, Mary Barton has been writing professionally since 1990. She has written two nonfiction books, worked as the product manager for a publishing company, an editor for two newspapers and was the content manager for various Microsoft websites. Barton has a Bachelor of Science in computer science from the University of Texas at El Paso.
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