Few things are more attractive than a flirt who is confident, playful and clever. The next time you hit it off with a classmate, coworker or friend-of-a-friend, slip him the digits in a slick, sneaky way. You'll amuse and intrigue him as he realizes what you're up to.
Step 1
Get your hands on his phone and save your contact info to it. The trick is to get him to give it to you -- snatching it up without him knowing is an invasion of privacy and is likely to irritate or offend him more than anything else. Coax him into showing you a picture or song, and hold your hand out as you ask for a closer look or listen. Work a bet or fascinating fact into the conversation, and nonchalantly say, "Here, let me see your phone, I'll show you," and dial or save your own number just before pulling up Internet search results. As you leave, tell him to give you a call sometime, and let him discover that you did, in fact, give him your number.
Step 2
Persuade him to hand something to you, and slip your number to him as you hand that item back. This works especially well when you're at a party, bar, restaurant or other social gathering where the two of you will both be for a while. Excuse yourself for a minute and jot your number down on a small piece of paper. When you return to the conversation, continue chatting as normal, and after a few minutes ask him to pass you a snack bowl, flyer, book -- whatever is nearby, and that you can casually hold onto as you finish your conversation. As you get ready to leave, reiterate how nice it was to chat with him, and hand him the item -- along with your number -- as you say goodbye.
Step 3
Pretend that he dropped something and attempt to hand it back to him. This is especially fun when you bump into someone you recognize but don't know. Approach him from behind with a folded paper that says "Call me, cutie" or something similar, and contains your name and number. Say "Hey, you dropped this," and hand off the paper as you walk past him. Turn around, wink, and keep right on going.
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- If your plan goes awry or he notices what you're doing right away, make a joke about him catching you in the act and ask him to give you a call sometime. He'll appreciate your ability to see the humor in the situation and your willingness to laugh at yourself a little.
- Think twice before giving your personal number out to a stranger or a guy you're less than interested in. Try to get his contact info instead, or give him an email address that isn't associated with your personal information and that you can easily get rid of if he doesn't take the hint. You can even obtain a temporary phone number through some online services for situations just like this. If you're not connecting or sensing a bad vibe after another chat or two, you can safely disappear without a trace.
Writer Bio
Debra Pachucki has been writing in the journalistic, scholastic and educational sectors since 2003. Pachucki holds a Bachelor's degree in education and currently teaches in New Jersey. She has worked professionally with children of all ages and is pursuing a second Masters degree in education from Monmouth University.
Photo Credits
Chris Clinton/Lifesize/Getty Images