A wedding ceremony marks a serious and sentimental moment in time. A wedding reception, on the other hand, calls for playful celebration and the occasional moment of pure comedy. Funny stunts can be created by the bride, groom, wedding party or guests. It is possible to have wedding guests roaring with laughter, while still keeping things appropriate.
First Dance
As newlyweds approach the dance floor to participate in the traditional first dance as husband and wife, wedding guests anticipate a serious, romantic slow dance. Give your guests what is expected by starting out with a typical slow dance for a short period of time. Then, surprise your audience of friends and family by busting into a funny, upbeat, possibly choreographed dance. Consider dancing to a hip hop or pop song. Make sure that you and your spouse get into full character with facial expressions and dramatic movements.
Grand Entrance
The grand entrance of a wedding reception marks the important milestone when a couple is announced to friends and family as husband and wife for the first time. Make your entrance more than grand, make it funny. Plan a goofy dance or act out in character with your new spouse. The wedding party is typically announced in couples prior to the newlyweds appearance. Have your wedding party join in on the fun by planning a comical entrance as well. Consider doing leap frog, piggy back rides, break dancing or wearing a funny costume accessory. Pick just the right music to complement your creative entrance.
Newlywed Kisses
Use unique ways to get your guests to request you and your husband or wife to kiss during your wedding reception. Instead of clinking glasses to request a kiss, have guests tell a funny joke or story about the bride or groom. Just make sure to ask guests to share a funny, but appropriate story or joke. Additionally, you can have guests rate each kiss by holding up score cards. Provide cards labeled 1 through 10 for each guest or one set for each table. Do your best to get a perfect 10's.
Get Guests to Kiss
It is typical for the bride and groom to engage in many moments of kissing after requests from wedding reception guests. Change things up and get your guests involved in the smooching. Prior to the reception, have the names of many couples attending your reception written on individual slips of paper. Give the papers to your DJ or member of your wedding party. Throughout your dinner have the designated person draw a name of a couple when everyone is clanking glasses for a kiss. Your parents, grandparents and friends may get embarrassed, but this game can be well received and found humorous by most.
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Writer Bio
Sarah Mollman began writing for "The Northern Iowan" newspaper in 2005. She was awarded scholarships from the Department of English at the University of Northern Iowa for Outstanding Short Story and Outstanding Personal Essay in 2008. Mollman holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Teaching from the University of Northern Iowa.
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