How to Make Your Own Full Slip

Kazuhiro Tanda/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Making lingerie can be more expensive than buying it already made, but you can make your own full slip at home without spending a lot of extra money. You can use a straight, silky dress or nightgown and alter it to make a full slip. You can use a garment you already have or you can pick one up at a second-hand store. While some notions can be cut away, avoid using garments with features like long zippers, buttons, and pleats to make a full slip.

Position the tip of the scissors on the bodice, a quarter inch to the inside of the seam joining the sleeve and bodice. Cut the sleeve off, being careful not to cut too deep into the bodice. Repeat along the neckline to remove the collar and interfacing.

Put the slip on. See if you like the way the neckline and armholes look. If you need to cut off more fabric, mark the cutting line with straight pins. If you know what dress you will be wearing with the slip, put it on over the slip. Turn slowly in front of a full length mirror to make sure the slip does not hang out under the hem of the dress. If the slip hangs out, mark the desired length with straight pins. Carefully remove the dress and slip.

Cut off excess fabric around the neck and arm holes if you wanted to remove more. Cut off the excess slip fabric half an inch below the straight pins marking the length if the slip is too long. If the length is the way you want it, you will not have to do anything else to the hemline.

Sew around the neckline and armholes using a zigzag or another decorative finishing stitch. If you want to add lace, pin it to the outside of the fabric before you finish the edges and then sew around the neck and arm holes.

Fold the hemline under a quarter inch, then fold it under a quarter inch a second time. It will look almost as if you are rolling the hemline. Pin the double-folded hemline in place. If you want to add lace to the hemline, pin it to the folded edge.

Set the sewing machine to make a zigzag or other decorative finishing stitch, and sew the hemline down. Remove the pins from the hem of the slip as you sew.