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Scarves take up little space in a suitcase or a closet, but they offer a variety of uses to the fashionista. Grab a silky scarf before heading out for a drive in a convertible to protect your hair and ears. If you like wearing your hair up but hate showing your ears, a scarf makes the perfect cover-up. Scarves come in a variety of lengths, and a longer length is required for some wrap styles.
Headband Style
Select a long, thin scarf that's about the width of a dollar bill. Position the scarf at the base of your neck. You should have an equal length of fabric on either side of your neck.
Bring the two ends up above your forehead. Twist the two ends at the forehead to create a turban-style knot.
Pull the ends of the scarf together, and tie them at the base of your neck. Leave the ends to dangle or tuck them into the headband you created.
Glamour Style
Fold a large square scarf in half to make a triangle. Pull your hair back in a loose ponytail using a ponytail holder.
Position the base of the triangle over your forehead or crown. Grasp the ends of the scarf.
Tie the scarf under your chin or at the base of your neck to hide your hair.
Rockabilly Style
Fold a large square scarf into a triangle. Take the triangle's top tip and fold it about 2 inches.
Hold the ends of the scarf while centering the widest portion of the scarf at the base of your neck.
Pull up the two ends and gather them at the top of your head. Tie the scarf in a secure knot. Shift the scarf to cover your ears. Turn the scarf slightly to give yourself a rockabilly look.
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- Secure a scarf with bobby pins to keep it from shifting.
Writer Bio
Mimi Bullock's writing reflects her love of traveling the back roads of small towns and sampling the local cuisine. As a regular feature writer for "Southern Hospitality Traveler" and journalist for "Beachin' Magazine," she gets to experience the rich heritage of the southern culture. She is also a licensed cosmetologist who has her own skin care line.
Photo Credits
Goodshoot/Goodshoot/Getty Images