When weather such as rain or snow is in the forecast, proper footwear like boots is needed. Two types of boots for these kinds of weather are rain boots and snow boots. Boots prevent the feet from becoming wet from the rain and snow so you can walk happily through it.
Rain Boots
Rain boots are lighter than snow boots and are made from rubber material. Rain boots come in all different colors and sizes for men, women and children. Some rain boots even have designs printed on, such as polka dots and animal prints. Most rain boots are tall and come up to the knees, meant to protect the feet from becoming wet during rainy weather.
History of Rain Boots
In the 1800s, Hiram Hutchinson got together with Charles Goodyear, who invented rubber for balls to create rubber footwear. Once the rubber footwear was made, Hiram took the boots to farmers and laborers; sure enough, the boots helped prevent the workers' feet from becoming cold and wet in rainy weather and other wet conditions. Eventually, the rubber footwear was made with thicker soles and rounder toes to fit the foot better, and were called rain boots.
Snow Boots
Snow boots are heavier than rain boots and are made from leather, nylon, wool and rubber and usually have insulated liners to keep feet warm. Snow boots come in different sizes, colors and styles. Most snow boots come up to the hem of pants to keep the entire foot dry, while other snow boots go up to the knees to keep the legs warm and dry from snow. Most snow boots have rubber soles and are waterproof. Some snow boots made from leather and fur are fashionable; they do keep feet warm in snowy weather, but are not waterproof.
History of Snow Boots
A thousand years ago, Inuit people living in snowy conditions used caribou skins to make warm boots for walking and hunting in the snow. The boots were warm because of the animals' fur and the skin protected the Inuit peoples feet from the harsh cold conditions of snowy weather.
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Writer Bio
Soleil Robins began writing professionally in 2010. Her work mainly appears on eHow, and she specializes in writing creative articles about beauty and food.
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