Bra inserts are either fabric or silicone pads used to enhance and increase breast size. Some inserts fit into inner pockets of a bra and other inserts made of silicone fit next to the skin for a natural feel and lift. When purchasing bra inserts, look for inserts that are waterproof and designed to conform to your shape for a natural feel and appearance. Some inserts are so natural you may forget you are even wearing them.
Decide whether you want push-up bra inserts or full cup breast enhancers. Push-up bra inserts are semi-circle shapes that you insert into the front bottom portion of a push-up bra to push breasts up and together to create cleavage. Full-cup enhancers are pads that fit over the entire breast to enhance breasts one or two complete cup sizes. Full-cup enhancers are generally better suited for women with very small breasts and the push-up bra inserts work better for women with slightly larger breasts.
Purchase inserts according to your natural bra cup size. Most inserts fit A and B cup breasts; though some fit specific bra cups and breast sizes while others are designed for a range of sizes.
Place the inserts either into the inner pockets of the bra or against the skin, depending upon the type of enhancer chosen. If you use silicone enhancers, the silicone will conform and mold to your skin as your body temperature warms the enhancer.
Monitor the placement of the inserts as you are wearing them. The bra inserts will not typically move out of place. The breast enhancers that fit right onto the breast may shift if you perspire and your skin becomes damp.
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Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
Photo Credits
http://www.flickr.com/photos/monstershaq2000/2827409213/ - Saquan Stimpson/monstersh aq2000