Wedding planning is one of the most exciting times in a persons life--and one of the most hectic. If you are planning to invite guests to your engagement party, bridal shower or wedding, your guests will want to know where you are registered so they can purchase gifts for the occasion. This is where a wedding registry comes into play. Registries can be set up at nearly any retail location. A good rule of thumb for any engaged couple is to register at 3 to 6 retail locations. The stores should range from low to high end to accommodate each guest's gift purchasing ability.
A great mid-range store is Target. Target stores carry a large inventory of reasonably priced home goods and have many locations throughout the United States. Target even allows you to create a registry online for added convenience.
Compile a list of items that you need or want. Wedding registries typically consist of household items such as bed linens, bath towels, kitchen utensils, furniture, and other household goods or decorations. If you cannot come up with a list off the top of your head, you can go to a Target store or to their website and browse items that are available.
Choose your method of registry. Your registry can be set up at a Target store or online at their website. If you decide to start your registry in a physical store, you can always add items to your registry list online and vice versa.
To set up your registry in a physical store, locate a Target near you. When you enter the store, go to the customer service counter located at the front of the store and explain that you would like to set up a wedding registry. The customer service representative will ask you a few questions such as your name and contact information. You will then be given a scan gun to be used for adding items to your registry. When you find an item that you would like to add to your list, point the scan gun at the bar code on the item. The scanner should make a beeping sound to indicate that the item has been added to your registry list. When you have finished adding items to your list, return the scan gun to the customer service desk and receive a print out of your list.
To set up your registry online, go to At the top of the page you will see a link for "Gift Registries + Lists." Click on this link and it will give you the option to set up your wedding registry through an application called "Club Wedd." You will need to create an account by filing in your name, contact information and creating a user name and password for the account. After your account is enabled you will be allowed to add items to your registry by clicking the "add item to registry" option next to each item in Target's online inventory. Once an item is added to your registry it will be available for your guests to purchase online or by requesting a copy of your registry at any Target store nationwide.
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Writer Bio
Krystal Wascher has been writing online content since 2008. She received her Bachelor of Arts in political science and philosophy from Thiel College and a Juris Doctor from Duquesne University School of Law. She was admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar in 2009.