Goals & Objectives for a Women's Ministry

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If you've been asked to be the women's ministry leader at your church, it can be a little daunting to determine all the spiritual or practical goals you want the ladies who are a part of your ministry to accomplish. It's essential to consider the needs of the women in the congregation, as well as community concerns, to set realistic and inspirational objectives that will bring fulfillment to the women under your leadership.

Spiritual Growth

Encourage the spiritual development of the ladies involved in your women's ministry by organizing a weekly Bible study for women. Allow the group members to take turns choosing a topic for study each week so each individual will feel she is an effective part of the ministry. Encourage your group members to study notable women in the Bible and the contributions these ladies made to ministry, such as Phoebe, who was a deconness and assisted Paul in his ministry, or Priscilla, a co-pastor with her husband Agrippa at the church of Ephesus. Remind the women of these stories in the encouraging emails you send or Bible studies you organize to inspire them to ask God to reveal the gifts and talents He has entrusted to them.

Improvements in Health

Encourage those involved in women's ministry to achieve their best health to fulfill their practical and spiritual obligations. Use Bible verses such as 3 John 1:2 as the theme for this principle: "Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well" (NIV). Help the ladies under your leadership to achieve their health or weight loss goals by organizing an online or live nutritious recipe swap, and host a potluck once a month for everyone to bring her favorite health meals to share. Or pair the ladies with a workout buddy to form bonds between group members. Emphasize to the group members that a woman in her best health is an asset to her family, and is better equipped to be a shining example of God's love.

Fostering Friendships

Some women may have become a part of your ministry to meet other people with like interests, and to establish meaningful friendships within the church. Reiterate to your group members that it is essential to work together to achieve large goals, like organizing the church's clothing or a food drive for the holidays, but that friendships are an important part of Christianity as well. Use Bible verses such as Proverbs 27:17 for inspiration: "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another" (NIV). Organize several social events a year to give the ladies ample time to get to know each other and develop genuine connections.

Helping the Community

Remind the women in your ministry of James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (NIV). This verse suggests that displaying one's Christianity means helping those in need. Ask the group members to give suggestions for community activities in which you can all get involved, such as partnering with a local nonprofit women's organization to help orchestrate a Dress for Success program that helps single mothers look their best for job interviews, or a school supply drive to give underprivileged children all the items they need for the new school year.