The goal of personal hygiene is to keep your body healthy and the space you live and work in clean and germ- free. Good hygiene will help prevent spreading germs to other people and prevent illness. Practicing proper hygiene will keep your body healthy while giving you confidence. When you look good and feel healthy, you also feel good.

Proper hygiene is something learned over time and with personal commitment. If you want to develop proper hygiene practices, take a look at where you are lacking. Write down the areas where you want to improve. Two possibilities might be to keep your home clean and practice better oral care. Develop a plan to implement your strategies. Put up reminder notes in your bathroom. Create a cleaning schedule. Set out cleansing products for another reminder.

Personal hygiene practices can affect many aspects of your life, including opportunities to date, health issues, job opportunities and how others perceive and treat you. Good hygiene practices are necessary for coexistence whether in working together, developing a relationship or having a roommate.

Showering once a day gets rid of dead skin, sweat and oil that can cause body odor. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day will help to preserve your teeth and keep your breath smelling fresh. Wash your hands with soap and water before meals to prevent spreading germs and bacteria. Dermatologists recommend washing your hair at least every other day to get rid of excess dirt and oil build-up that causes acne on the face. Regularly wash your clothes to keep them clean and smelling fresh. Launder your bedding at least once a week to prevent oil and bacteria from build-up that transfers to your body when you sleep.
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Writer Bio
Alisa Herrscher has been writing budget proposals for a San Diego-based nonprofit organization since 2003. She has been writing for various websites since 2010. Herrscher holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication from San Diego State University.
Photo Credits
skin care image by anna karwowska from Fotolia.com