In the heat of summer, you don't want to turn the oven on to bake a batch of brownies or cookies, but you still want to serve something sweet for dessert. There are a number of desserts and snacks you can make without any heat at all. If you don't mind using the stove top, you can make plenty of sweets, from steamed cobblers to candies such as fudge.
No-Bake Desserts
No-bake desserts range from the simple to the fancy. You can prepare no-bake cookies by mixing together oatmeal, cocoa powder, peanut butter and sugar. If you want to make a dessert for a fancy dinner or simply make a dessert that stands out, try making a no-bake cheesecake. Mix together the ingredients for the cheesecake and pour over a handmade or store-bought graham cracker crust. Other no-bake dessert options include making a pudding pie using a store-bought crust and boxed pudding mix or making an icebox cake using chocolate wafers and whipped cream.
Stove Top Sweets
Homemade pudding is simple to make on the stove. Simply mix together milk, sugar, starch and flavoring until thickened, and then pour into cups or a large bowl. You can make the process even simpler by using a boxed pudding mix. Making candy such as fudge doesn't have to involve hovering over the hot stove with a thermometer. Prepare the fudge using chocolate, condensed milk and butter. Melt the ingredients over a double boiler, stir in vanilla and pour into a pan to cool. You can also melt chocolate over the stove and use it to make homemade peanut butter cups or other chocolate candies.
Stove Top Snacks
Use the heat from the stove top to make easy snacks for you and your children. Top corn or flour tortillas with cheese and fold to make quick quesadillas. Make fresh-popped popcorn using a saucepan, a little bit of oil and the stove top. Popping corn on the stove is a great way to get your children involved in cooking, as it's fun to watch the kernels pop and fill the pan. Prepare nachos for a snack by heating beans, chopped vegetables and cheese in a skillet, then topping tortilla chips with the heated mixture. Jazz up your nachos with a drizzle of ranch dressing.
Frozen Treats
Homemade ice pops are a refreshing treat and are easy to make. The simplest way to make ice pops is to freeze your favorite juice. You can also puree whole fruits such as berries and combine with milk to make creamy fruit pops. If you have an ice cream maker, experiment with making ice cream at home. Add whatever flavors you like to a base of cream and milk. Make a homemade ice cream pie or cake by spreading softened ice cream into a pie crust or cake pan.
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Writer Bio
Based in Pennsylvania, Emily Weller has been writing professionally since 2007, when she began writing theater reviews Off-Off Broadway productions. Since then, she has written for TheNest, ModernMom and Rhode Island Home and Design magazine, among others. Weller attended CUNY/Brooklyn college and Temple University.
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