Whether it’s for religious reasons or simply the celebration of springtime, Easter is a holiday where the focus is on new life and renewal. There are many Easter-time activities that can be organized for the elderly. Take advantage of this unique day to give the elderly a reason to smile.
Organize a Potluck
Elderly people, like most, love to gather together to talk and eat. Organize a potluck at your local church or fire hall. Find sponsors who will help carry the cost so you can make the event free for elderly attendees. Require each sponsor to make a covered dish. Center the potluck around Easter with spring-themed decorations and activities such as egg coloring, singing Easter songs and telling the story of Easter.
Have a Talent Show
If you are organizing Easter activities for a particular group of elderly people, such as church groups or nursing home residents, you can have an Easter-themed talent show. Involve both elderly volunteers and people from the community. Contact local school and religious organizations and see if there is a anyone interested in performing. Also give the elderly attendees an opportunity to perform. For many, they’ve left their talents with their young age and would love the opportunity to express themselves again. To keep the focus on Easter, ask performers to showcase Easter hymns, poems about springtime, or dance routines celebrating new life.
Make Crafts
Organize a craft event. Gather the elderly in the community and have them create Easter egg baskets and color eggs for a local charity or children’s hospital. This will provide the elderly with an outlet for their talents and an opportunity to help out the community. Find old wicker baskets at a local thrift store and have the participants decorate them, taking a very inexpensive item and turning it into a treasure for a person or child in need. Other crafts can include crocheting springtime blankets, painting flower pots for planting tulips and making chocolate Easter bunnies.
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Writer Bio
Joey Papa lives in the Tampa Bay area, and has four years of experience as a professional copywriter. His years of experience and a bachelor's degree in communications from Oral Roberts University, provide him with creativity, technique and a comprehensive viewpoint to complete a wide array of writing styles.